Download Library
The documents listed below are intended for use by clients of Advantek, Inc. All materials are the property of Advantek, Inc. and are not for publication or distribution by parties other than the principals of Advantek, Inc. See our legal disclaimer for details.
Fact Sheets:
- Air Conditioner Efficiency Factsheet
- AC Sizing
- AC Unit Selection
- Air Conditioning for USPS Factsheet
- AirGuard Clean Coils Factsheet
- Dehumidification Equipment Properties And Selection
- Energy Project Factsheet
- HVAC Cold Air Distribution
- Simulation Of Space Relative Humidity
- Solar Water Heating for USPS Factsheet
- Success Tips For Building Construction Projects
- The Basics Of Reducing Air-Conditioning Costs
- AEE Desiccant Presentation
- AHLA - Link Between Energy and Mold
- Application of Advanced Energy Technologies
- Applying DOAS With Heat Pipes
- Curing the Common Mold
- Dehumidification Energy Comparisons
- Dehumidification for Package Units
- HPAC Webcast Series: Natatorium Dehumidification
- HumidityControl
- IAQ-Energy
- Link Between Mold and Energy
- Low Cost Dedicated Outdoor-Air Systems
- Operating Chillers Efficiently
- Phyllis White Energy 2003
- West Automated Energy
- West Standard AC Units
- APPENDIX D Resource Efficiency Manager Pilot
- APPENDIX E Federal Facilities in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Spec Sheets:
- Capstone 30 Spec Sheet
- FreshAir Filter Spec Sheet
- Heat Pipe Sheet HRM
- IAQ Filter Spec Sheet
- PowerGuard Filter Spec Sheet
Technical Papers:
(Adobe Acrobat Required)
*A list of references can be found here.