Our Team
Advantek's core team has exceptional qualifications and unmatched technical talent. Michael K. West, PhD, PE has nearly 20 years of cutting edge experience with all types of building HVAC and energy efficiency upgrades. David P. Harlos, ScD has over 20 years of experience with innovative indoor environmental quality improvements and air monitoring investigations. Richard Combes, PhD, PE has more than 30 years experience conducting energy and environmental projects, including work with the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the U.S. Department of Energy. Tom Brooke has almost 40 years in the HVAC energy efficiency industry and provides a detailed national business perspective. John Adams has over 30 years experience including achievements in energy efficiency assessments, HVAC optimization, ventilation and HVAC control renovations. As a rule, Advantek only assigns additional specialists and support staff as required. That helps keep project costs and overhead down so our clients get maximum return on their investment.

Michael K. West, PhD, PE
Building Systems Scientist
Dr. West is currently a co-owner and principal building-systems scientist for Advantek Consulting Inc. He is responsible for the development of new HVAC technologies from research to installation, as well as the engineering of energy-efficiency and indoor-environmental-quality projects throughout the United States and the Caribbean. Read more ›

David Harlos, ScD
Indoor Air Pollution Specialist
Dr. Harlos has distinguished experience in indoor environmental quality, evaluation of biological contamination in buildings, air quality monitoring and investigations, and industrial source sampling and business continuity planning. He has extensive experience in the diagnosis of indoor environmental problems covering hundreds of buildings. Read more ›

Thomas Brooke, MBA, PE, CEM
Business Development
Tom Brooke has almost forty years of experience in the commercial/industrial HVAC industry, and can provide both a detailed and national perspective on its workings. The former was gained from his ten years in engineering and twenty years in marketing and sales in wide and multilevel positions at globally oriented manufacturing firms. Read more ›

John C. Adams
Senior Energy Engineer
Managing Georgia Tech’s Energy and Sustainable Services Center (ESS) for 15 years, John was responsible for $1-2 million per year in sustainability and energy engineering services. During this period, his group developed/beta tested the American National Standards Institute™ Management System for Energy 2000/2006 (MSE) Standard Read more ›

Chris Cook, CEM
Senior Energy Engineer
Mr. Cook has 30 years experience in planning, developing, and implementing energy efficiency projects. He specializes in Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC), Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESC), and private capital agreements, which allow clients to finance energy improvements with the energy savings generated. Read more ›