Indoor Environmental Quality

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) affects all aspects of building performance, from cost of ownership to energy costs to occupant productivity. AdvanTek can expertly apply the best methods to assess indoor air quality (IAQ), lighting efficacy, and noise distractions. We make it our business to develop and apply IEQ evaluation tools and techniques that result in higher bottom line numbers for our clients.
Independent studies have clearly shown that better IEQ improves occupant performance and increases retail sales, just as a poorly lit, stuffy, noisy environment degrades performance. Increases in productivity are manifest by reduced absenteeism, less employee turnover, and fewer complaints for facilities and maintenance staff. Removal of air pollutant sources and/or increasing ventilation rate to improve air quality by 10% results in productivity increase of about 1½%. This means that reducing the concentration of indoor contaminants by half can increase overall workplace performance by as much as 2%. In most cases, Advantek can quantify human resource dollar savings with hard numbers that far outweigh the cost of achieving these benefits
Urgent IAQ / Mold Response
AdvanTek's first steps on any urgent IAQ/Mold project address the protection of health and property through rapid identification of the causes indoor air quality complaints. Almost all indoor air quality problems have two controllable components: air pollutant source(s) and inadequate ventilation. A third component of indoor air quality issues is a susceptible population of exposed persons. Persistent indoor air quality problems are seldom so serious that all occupants are affected.
We are fully prepared to quickly identify causative factors from available information, observation, and walk through surveys. AdvanTek's extensive experience solving IAQ problems in a wide variety of settings allows us to identify air pollution sources and evaluate their potential impacts on susceptible populations. If any air sampling is required, it is targeted through a well-designed protocol. This strategy minimizes cost by eliminating unnecessary testing that produce no useful results
Related Projects
- After the Storms: A First-Hand Report from Central Florida
- Indoor Air Quality Diagnostics
- Fresh Air System Design Evaluation
- High Humidity Diagnostics