Indian River State College (Ft. Pierce, FL)

Advantek identified numerous energy cost reduction measures and calculated expected dollar savings and implementation costs for Indian River State College. The scope included nine buildings totaling 378,000 square feet, two chiller plants, and a pool heating system. System-level computer simulations were performed on 32 targeted building systems. A joint-frequency BIN analysis method was used for analysis of the chiller plants. The project identified nineteen ECMs that would reduce utility costs by $236,000 per year, a savings of 24%. Recommended ECMs included upgrade of cooling towers, replacement of reciprocating chillers with gas chillers, installation of heat pipes in air handlers, T8 lighting system upgrades, DDC chiller sequencing optimization, and occupancy sensors in classrooms and restrooms. With a total investment of $507,000 for implementation of the recommended energy saving measures, payback of the investment was less than 3 years.