Strategic Energy Management Planning, U.S. Postal Service

Advantek Consulting worked for the U.S. Postal Service under prime contract with the Florida Energy Office and the U.S. Department of Energy and various other state subcontracts to develop and assist with the implementation of a comprehensive energy management plan to meet a goal of 30% reduction of energy costs. Components of the plan included an energy survey plan, a financing and implementation plan and timeline, and a recognition program. Advantek statistically analyzed utility billing histories for 2,620 buildings, with total annual energy expenditures of $32.4 million. We developed and implemented a prioritization database that sorted the buildings into four groups depending on their energy savings potential, energy use/cost per square foot, and the predicted budget needed to realize the savings; and developed a top priority list of “Top 50 Energy Hogs.” Advantek developed a streamlined Measurement & Verification plan based on the U.S. DOE’s IEMVP; provided recommendations to make the USPS Building Design Standards for new construction and renovations more energy efficient, developed an energy audit scope of work for ESCO’s to follow, reviewed and evaluated ESCO proposals, integrated energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, maintainability and productivity elements, assisted in the preparation for utility deregulation, and assessed opportunities for application of advanced and renewable technologies.