John C. Adams
Senior Energy Engineer
Managing Georgia Tech’s Energy and Sustainable Services Center (ESS) for 15 years, John was responsible for $1-2 million per year in sustainability and energy engineering services. During this period, his group developed/beta tested the American National Standards InstituteTM Management System for Energy 2000/2006 (MSE) Standard. MSE is a stepping stone for ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 50001 implementation. His engineering design/improvement projects at Georgia Tech and in private consulting, include energy efficiency assessments (ASHRAE Level 1,2 & 3), HVAC optimization, ventilation engineering, process safety/health/risk management, heating and cooling and controls renovations, indoor environmental quality, safety vent hoods, compressed air systems, asbestos o&m planning, environmental regulatory compliance consultations, regulatory penalty mitigation, building automation/simulation/ commissioning, and LEED certifications. Mr. Adams also provides technical support as a consultant to a variety of companies in the area of facility commissioning, indoor environmental quality, 179D Tax Deductions, high performance buildings, ISO 14001 & 50001 implementation, power management, renovations and sustainability/greening. On loan from Georgia Tech, Mr. Adams has provided tech expert support to reduce energy use and instill sustainability principles at Federal facilities (DoE, GSA, Army, Marines. NASA, & DoJ). These projects endeavor to advance energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy, and improve utility management and sustainability decisions.